Impact Texas Drivers Program FAQ

What is the Impact Texas Drivers Program?
The Impact Texas Drivers program (ITD) is a free, one-hour video course provided online by the Texas DPS. Any adult applying for their driver license for the first time is required to complete ITD no more than 90 days before their driving exam. ITD is not optional.
If you have taken a 6-hour adult drivers education course like ours, you cannot start on ITD before you finish our course. DPS will compare the certificate dates. If you complete ITD before completing Drivers Education of America, you will need to redo ITD.

Anyone 18 and older needs to take the Impact Texas Adult Drivers course.

You can work on this at your own pace and stop and return where you left off. Your certificate will be emailed to you at the end of ITD by the DPS.

How do I get started on the Impact Texas Drivers program?
If you are a Drivers Education of America student, make sure you have finished your Drivers Education of America course FIRST.
Once you’ve received your certificate from us already, you are ready to complete the Impact Texas Drivers program.

  • Head to the ITD website.
  • Click on the age-appropriate course for you. Anyone 18 and older must take the Impact Texas Adult Drivers program.
  • Click on “Register”.
  • You will fill out your information here.
  • Driver Education Type: select “Commerical” and then enter “C2826” and choose “Drivers Education of America – C2826” from the options or enter “C1384” and choose “1-2-3 Driving School – C1384”, depending on which of our 6-hour adult courses or teenager course you took.
  • If it asks for a learner license number or DL/ADE/DE Control Number, please put down your certificate number (top right corner of your certificate). If you have a permit, you can put that number down for learner license number.
  • Click “Save”.
  • Now you can get started on the ITAD course!

Does the ITD certificate expire?
Yes, it expires after 90 days. If your certificate has expired, you need to sign into your ITD course again and retake it. Sorry, these are DPS rules!

What if I lost my ITD certificate?
You can sign into your ITD course and download it again.

How do I fix a mistake on my ITD certificate?
The Texas DPS is responsible for this program. 1-2-3 Driving School is unable to fix any issues regarding certificates.
You can contact them via email at [email protected] or by calling 512-424-5623 during normal duty hours 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM (CST) Monday through Friday.
After business hours, you can contact them at (855) 481-7070 for help.

How do I get technical support of the ITD website?
The Texas DPS is responsible for this program. 1-2-3 Driving School is unable to fix any technical issues with their website since it is not connected to our systems at all. The website belongs entirely to DPS.
You can contact them via email at [email protected] or by calling 512-424-5623 during normal duty hours 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM (CST) Monday through Friday.
After business hours, you can contact them at (855) 481-7070 for help.

More answers to common questions can be found by going directly to the ITAD program FAQ page.

Posted on March 16th, 2018 and last modified on June 12th, 2022.